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Paternity Informational (Non-Legal )



Paternity Informational (Non-Legal)

test is a type of paternity test that determines the biological relationship

between a father and a child, but the results are not intended for legal

purposes. It is usually conducted for informational reasons, such as to confirm

or clarify biological paternity without affecting the father's legal status or





    Key points about a DNA Paternity Informational (Non-Legal)


    1.       Biological

    confirmation: It uses DNA samples from the father and child

    (and sometimes the mother) to establish whether the man is the biological

    father of the child, based on DNA markers.

    2.       Non-legal

    use: The results from this test cannot be used in a court of

    law or to establish legal paternity. It is not suitable for situations where

    the test is required to settle matters like custody, child support, or


    3.       Confidentiality:

    These tests are often done privately and the results are typically sent

    directly to the individual who requested the test, not to any legal authority

    or court.

    4.       No

    legal rights or responsibilities: A paternity informational

    test doesn't provide any legal standing to the father, meaning it doesn't give

    him parental rights or obligations, such as the right to custody, visitation,

    or child support.

    This type of test is typically used when someone just wants confirmation of

    biological paternity but does not need the results to have any legal effect.


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